End Your Soda Addiction With These Substitutes

By Alex Winston

My drink of choice has been soda for as long as I can remember. I know that it's not good for me, but I can't help myself. I enjoy a good soda more than anything else, and I've had plenty of them during my life.

The sweetness of soda can't be beaten in my mind. Some of my favorites, like cream soda, give me just the right amount, and a unique sense of satisfaction. As I get older, though, I fully acknowledge the fact that it's a habit I'd be better off putting an end to.

I can go on for hours about all of the reasons not to drink soda. Many experts believe that it's one of the leading contributors to obesity, and I'm not surprised. Unfortunately, I've gone on a soda hiatus. Surprisingly, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.

If you're at a loss for what to drink in its place and can't come to terms with the idea of drinking water all day, any one of these drinks might do the job for you.

A simple alternative to soda is club soda. Free of any sugars or artificial substances, it also has no calories. The carbonation gives it a similar feel to that of soda, and there's really nothing bad about drinking it as far as your health is concerned.

Some people simply need a little more flavor in a drink. If that's the case, try out any of the carbonated juices offered by Izze or Fizzy Lizzy. These are both great treats that have become wildly popular during the last few years.

If neither of these drinks sounds appealing to you, why not opt for something more serene, like a green tea? This will give you a small amount of caffeine that others won't, and the herbal qualities of the drink make many feel calm and relaxed. There are plenty of document health benefits to green tea, including the antioxidants you'll find in the drink.

Give each of these a shot for at least a week if you're serious about changing your habits. You'll be pleasantly surprised by what a difference it makes

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